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Vegan - Green Smoothie Meal Balance® - Vitaminizer


Net quantity: 150 g

  • 16.49 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • rich in chlorophyll
  • natural source
  • Fights against infections
  • Low fat


A mixture of green herbs, which helps strengthen the immune, cardiovascular and bone system. Spinach is excellent in improving eyesight, is anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, while chlorophyll fights off infections and contributes to hemoglobin forming. Moringa is a complex nutrient rich in minerals and vitamins, which balances the body. The recipe is excellent for people with a vegan or vegetarian diet, but not only.


100% natural green mixture, spinach, moringa, nettle, spirulina and barley green provides a nutrition rich in essential vitamins and minerals, which combined with apples, pears or other fruit taste, turns into a breakfast, a snack or a colorful and delicious dinner, which helps strengthen the immune, cardiovascular and bone system.


150 g (30 servings) For a glass of smoothie mix in the blender one tablespoon of powder (5-6 g) with 200 ml of water or another liquid and fruit (bananas, apples, kiwi). We recommend 1-2 glasses per day.


BIO spinach powder 50%, moringa 5%,, nettle 20%, green barley 20%, spirulina5%


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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07.01.2024, IBOLYA DEÁK:

Nagylányom kezdte el naponta inni, vízben oldva. Amióta issza nincs menstruáció alatti haspuffadása, illetve nem jönnek ki pattanásai. Szembetűnő volt ez utóbbi, hisz kb. 2 hétig nem tudta inni, akkor megjelentek a pattanások. Újra használat óta nem jött ki egy sem.

24.07.2021, IULUANA FORGACI:

Folosesc acest produs. Este foarte bun. M-a ajutat sa slabesc 3 kg in 2 saptamani. Am inlocuit micul dejun si cina si ma simt mai plina de energie. Recomand cu incredere produsele vegane.

02.09.2019, ELENA CIOCLIN:

Sunt foarte multumita de toate smoothie-urile Vegan, am slabit 5 kg de cand am inlocuit gustarile. Nu ma mai simt obosita, va recomand cu caldura acest produs.


Gustul nu este grozav, dar amestecat in shake-ul preferat il consum cu placere. Este o sursa pretioasa de vitamine de care am atata nevoie in perioada aceasta!


Smoothie-ul din acest produs este bun si sanatos, eu si familia mea il folosim si ne place.

24.10.2016, MIHAELA MAXIM:

Sursa de vitamine. Il folosesc si ca mic dejun, gustare, dar si cina.

03.10.2016, RODICA GRANPIER:

Folosesc acest produs minunat de ceva vreme si sunt foarte incantata...are un gust foarte placut,eu il beau in amestec cu iaurt sau lapte batut de 2 ori pe zi..Am reusit sa slabesc cateva kilograme,ma simt mult mai plina de energie ca inainte.Recomand cu mare drag tuturor celor care isi doresc dimineti sau seri cu mese gustoase si sanatoase.


Buna! Am inceput sa folosesc acest produs acum o saptamana si imi place tare mult. Il amestec in shake-ul de dimineata, pe care il beau in loc de mic dejun. Ma ajutat foarte mult si cu tranzitul intestinal. Asa ca ma bucur mult ca l-am achizitionat. Eu il recomand. Sunt sigura ca daca il folosesc constant ...o sa vad rezultate si mai bune.

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