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UroBlock Complex, with D-mannose and cranberries, Life Care®


Net quantity: 17.80 g

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  • contributes to keep the urinary tract healthy
  • improves the activity of the bladder


The urinary tract infection is caused by the presence of pathological germs in the urinary tract. The most affected people are especially women, but it can also be found in men as they get older.
UroBlock Complex, with D-mannose and cranberries, Life Care® is based on a special formula that combines ingredients such as D-Mannose, cranberries and Vitamin C, known for their beneficial effects on the body.
D-Mannose has a structure similar to glucose, is extracted from oranges, cranberry and Vitamin C, but it is very difficult to metabolize, so it does not increase blood sugar and can be administered also by diabetics. It is absorbed 90% in the small intestine and helps block the development of bacteria in the urinary tract.
Cranberries and Vitamin C contribute to supporting the immune and bone system, to the formation of collagen and to the proper functioning of blood vessels. They have synergistic action, contributing to the reduction of their recurrence and of the urinary tract disorders.


UroBlock Complex, with D-mannose and cranberries, Life Care®contributes to keep the urinary tract healthy and improves the activity of the bladder.


2 capsules /day. It is recommended only to persons beginning with the age of 16 years old. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light, keep cool and dry. The normal diet can not be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Preferably use until the end of the period on the packaging. Do not leave this food supplement within the reach of small children.


Box containing 30 capsules. A capsule contains the following ingredients: 400 mg D - mannose, 50 mg cranberry powder, 35 mg ascorbic acid – 87,5% of NRV, 15 mg zinc citrate – zinc 40% of NVR. Other ingredients: 95 mg capsule of cellulose. NRV - Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011. * - NRV is not set. Variation of ingredients +/- 10 %.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.


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Un produs minunat! Am scapat de nisip, aveam crize dureroase la un rinichi. La a doua pastila am simtit linistire. Recomand!

10.09.2020, GYONGYVER JAKOB:

Multe femei sufera de afectiuni ale tractului urinar, de cistite care se agraveaza foarte rapid daca nu sunt tratate la timp. De cand am dat de produsul acesta si-l folosesc constant, nu mai am probleme cu vezica urinara si imi mentin sanatos tractul urinar si rinichii. Multumesc Life Care®!

10.09.2020, ZOLTAN FÖLDI:

Az otthoni elsősegély csomagban mindenképpen ott kell hogy legyen! Számos visszajelzést kaptam kiválóságáról! A legutóbbi esetben egy hirtelen fellépő acut cystitis esetén fél nap alatt csökkentette a görcsöket és a fájdalmas vizelést! 3 nap alatt antibiotikum nélkül sikerült a gyógyulás napi 3x2 kapszulával! A másik partner pedig a folyamatosan fennálló csípő viszkető érzés jelentős mértékű csökkenéséről számolt be, napi 2x1kapszulát alkalmazva!


Un produs natural care ne protejeaza de infectiile urinare.


Recomand cu incredere acest produs, contribuie la mentinerea sanatoasa a tractului urinar si ofera o solutie naturala in rezolvarea problemelor des intalnite, cauzate de infectia urinara.Trebuie incercat!


Il recomand cu incredere celor care au probleme cu rinichii.


Acest produs a fost o alegere foarte buna! Am fost nevoit sa-l folosesc si am fost uimit de rezultatele imediate! Recomand cu incredere!


Un produs natural ce ajuta la mentinerea starii de sanatate la nivelul tractului urinar si previne infectiile urinare. Recomandat atat femeilor cat si barbatilor. Pe baza de extracte din plante, nu are efecte secundare si poate fi folosit pe o perioada mai lunga de timp.


Foarte util in foarte multe probleme: cistita, litiaza, inflamarea rinichilor, insuficienta renala. Contine substante cum ar fi merisoare sau vitamina C, dar si D-Manoza care ajuta la prevenirea unor infectii. Il recomand tutror celor care au probleme cu tractul si vezica urinara.

11.08.2020, EDINA SZÁVAY:

Anyum egy hete szedi és javított a vizelet szagán.

31.07.2020, DAVID SICOIE:

Produsul este sincer foarte bun. Il recomand cu incredere celor care au probleme cu rinichii. Are un efect rapid.

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