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UltimateImmuno, with BIO acerola and willow, Life Care®


Net quantity: 10 g

  • 11.99 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • it is a natural anti-inflammatory agent
  • fights colds and respiratory viroses
  • alleviates muscle pain caused by colds
  • reduces fever
  • helps the immune system


UltimateImmuno, with BIO acerola and willow, Life Care® due to its formula based on Bio dextrose, Bio acerola, Bio willow and magnesium citrate, UltimateImmuno, with BIO acerola and willow, Life Care® help optimize the immune system. The ingredients have properties that help release muscle and joint tension, menstrual discomfort, as well as the control of fever.


UltimateImmuno, with BIO acerola and willow, Life Care® is a food supplement used to relieve the unpleasant symptoms of flu and cold, such as fever, headaches, muscle and joint pains.
Willow is a natural anti-inflammatory. Due to its properties, it is used in rheumatic diseases, to relieve pain and fight fever, in irritability and anxiety, but also in joint, muscle and menstrual pains.
Acerola is a vitamin C- rich fruit, ideal for supporting the immune system.
Magnesium citrate helps in intense stress, chronic fatigue, headaches or sleep disturbances.


1 tablet / day. Recommended only for persons from the age of 16. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance.The normal diet can not be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Do not leave this food supplement within the reach of small children.


Bio Dextrose 300 mg *; Bio Acerola (Malpighia glabra) 200 mg * - (of which Vitamin C 34 mg) - 43% of NRV; Bio willow (Salix alba) 20 mg *; Magnesium citrate 10 mg - 3% of NRV. Other Ingredients: Mint flavor - q.s Wax - q.s. NRV- Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011, * - NRV is not set.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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14.03.2018, ERIKA - GYÖRGYI BAKA:

Acest produs l-a ajutat pe sotul meu sa scape cat mai repede de raceala.

15.02.2018, ALINA URSAN:

Suntem tentaţi la primul semn de boală să dăm buzna la farmacie. Specialiştii spun însă că putem apela cu încredere la tratamente naturiste pentru răceală şi gripă, mai ales că le putem găsi uşor. Am incercat Life Impulse® UltimateImmuno care m-a ajutat sa scap mai repede de starile de febra ,dureri de cap, dureri musculare si articulare. Recomand cu incredere!


Am citit si am recitit in ' Jurnalul Fericirii ' prezentarea noului produs UltimateImmuno care combate raceala si gripa . Concluzia ? De ce sa folosesc diferite medicamente sau produsele tuturor reclamelor de care suntem intoxicati de masmedia ? Cand ai primele simtome de raceala auzi spunandu-se : ia o aspirina ! De ce sa iau o aspirina cand noul produs Life Care - UltimateImmuno este facut din coaja de salcie care reprezinta materia principala pentru aspirina ! Aceasta combinata cu celelalte ingrediente , tot naturale, asigura imunitatea corpului impotriva racelii si gripei . Sunt ferm convins ca prin folosirea acestui produs spun Adio racelii si gripei !


Produsul acesta m-a ajutat intr-o perioada mai tensionata, in care am fost si racit. Am trecut mai usor prin momentele de stres intens, durerile de cap si momentele de tensiune. Personal, am observat ca produsul aduce un plus de energie si lupta impotriva simptomelor racelii, dar si stresului si durerilor de cap.


O data cu racirea vremii am decis sa achizitionez acest produs Life Care . Am inceput sa-l iau de cateva zile pentru a -mi stimula imunitatea si a preveni raceala. Am un program destul de incarcat ce solicita mult timp de stat in picioare! Dar de cand iau UltimateImmuno nu mai simt nici o durere musculara! Il recomand cu incredere! Multumesc, Life Care !


Am incercat varii produse din gama LifeImpulse, dar pana acum cateva zile, nu am folosit LifeImpulse UltimateImmuno. Dar, acum cateva zile, cand ma incerca o raceala, o prietena m-a sfatuit sa iau cateva pastilute din acest produs, (chiar ea oferindu-mi-le) si spunand ca ea le numeste "pastilute de aur impotriva racelii". Dupa doar 2 pastile, febra mi-a scazut usor, iar durerile de cap s-au diminuat simtitor. Asadar acest produs va deveni, cu siguranta, si aliatul meu impotriva racelii. Recomand cu incredere!

09.10.2017, MARIA GEBER:

Viktória lányom elkapott az iskolában egy lázzal, fejfájással, torokfájással járó vírust. Pénteki napon nem ment ezért iskolába. Azonnal adtam neki a tablettából. A láza pillanatok alatt lement, estére a torka sem fájt annyira. Hétvége lévén szombat, vasárnap is bevett egy-egy tablettát. Vasárnap este már jól volt, mintha nem is lett volna semmi baja. A biztonság kedvéért azért hétfő reggel indulás előtt még adtam neki egyet. Azóta megint felütötte a fejét erre felé egy vírus, így most már minden nap beveszünk 1 db tablettát megelőzés céljából.


Rendkívül komplex készítmény. Nemcsak a vírusos-, bakteriális problémák leküzdését támogatja, hiszen immunerősítő hatása révén még a daganatos betegségek alternatív kezelésére is szolgál. Egészségeseknek is ajánlom megelőzés céljából. Ph.D. Peresztegi Sándor - Dr. Kim & Peresztegi Hungagu Biogyógyászat

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