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TurmeriCool, with piperine and curcumin, Life Care®


Net quantity: 9.90 g

  • 15.49 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • powerful antioxidant
  • benefic to the neural processes


The special properties of the turmeric root are given precisely by the curcumin, an ingredient that is found in the rate of 95% in the new product Life Impulse ®. The piperine is a black pepper extract which help the assimilation into the bloodstream, increasing curcumin's biovalability with up to 2000%. Of Asian origin, the turmeric increases the liver ability to eliminate toxins, improves blood circulation, neural processes and has protective hepatic properties. It also has antibacterial and antioxidant benefits.


The Curcumin contributes to the smooth functioning of the neural processes and common disorders of the brain, a fact that may lead to the moods of depression or other disorders. It is also studied as an aid in the dissolution of the oxidative tiles that lead to the development of neurons of Alzheimer's disease. Stimulates the bile release and prevents illness of body cells. Is effective in case of liver, lung, kidney or digestive affection. The Curcumin is also studied for it's properties in improving endothelial function, which helps regulate blood pressure and blood clotting, help purify the blood and maintains the cardiovascular health.


Box with 20 capsules. We recommend 1 capsule per day, after meals, persons over 15 years. This product should be avoided in case of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers, because it's has a spice in it's composition. Not to be associated with heparin and anticoagulants.


One capsule contains: 95% Curcumin-extract from turmeric (Curcuma longa)-380 mg-*, Piperine-black pepper extract (Piper nigrum)-5 mg-*. Other ingredients: gelatin capsule. QS. RDA-Recommended Daily Dose. * RDA not established-is. Ingredients Variantia +/-10%.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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Il folosesc de aproximativ o luna si am constatat diminuarea, chiar disparitia durerilor asociate coxartrozei bilaterale. Este un ajutor enorm. Iau in paralel cu colagen. De asemenea am constatat ca nu mai am mainile si picioarele atat de reci.

07.04.2020, DORINA POPA:

Il recomand cu incedere deoarece este foarte bun la mai multe afectiuni si chiar da rezultate.

07.05.2019, EDINA ALMÁSI:

Az én térdeim szülés után eléggé elfáradtak. A ma már 1 éves kisfiamat is gyakran hordom kézben és a felszedett plusz kilóktól gyakran fájtak a térdeim. Korábban is használtam a térdfájdalmaimra kurkumát, de az olcsóbb tabletták nem hozták meg a kellő hatást. Ez a kapszula viszont rendszeresen szedés után (3 doboz) 1 hónapig még "védte" az izületeimet. A fájdalmak ismét jelentkeztek, úgy hogy veszem is a következő 3 dobozom :)

07.07.2018, MAGDI NYÁRINÉ:

A terméket hat hónapja rendszeresen használom, kimondhatatlanul sokat segít az emésztéstésemnél, ugyanis gyomorműtétem volt 2 éve. A labor leleteim jók, az étvágyam és a közérzetem kiváló. Egy évvel ezelőtt ezt nem mondhattam, most viszont zöldséget és gyümölcsöt is tudok fogyasztani, emellett a térdizületeim fájdalma is minimálisra csökkent, kerékpározni szoktam rendszeresen oda-vissza kb. 20 km távolságot. A kurkuma szedését a temészetgyógyászom javaslatára már szedtem, még mielőtt megismertem ezt a terméket, és ezután tértem át a Life Impulse TurmeriCoolra, sokkal hatékonyabbnak érzem a kurkumin kivonat miatt. Szeretettel ajánlom sorstársaimnak.

28.06.2018, HILDA OROIAN:

Un produs nemaipomenit pe care l-am descoperit in momentul in care tatal meu a fost operat cu tumoare hepatica cauzata de existenta virusului hepatic de tip C. Evolutia postoperatorie a fost favorabila si ne bucuram de beneficiile acestui produs zi de zi. Este un excelent remediu in stoparea dezvoltarii celulelor canceroase. Recomand produsul Life Impulse® TurmeriCool.

10.04.2018, ANGELA MARIN:

Il recomand cu drag si in durerile articulare, in inflamatii si infectii.

12.01.2018, LIGIA DIRNU:

Un antiinflamator natural deosebit care protejeaza organele interne!


Daca vrei sa ai o detoxifliliere a organismului in perioada de primavara. Combinatia cu vit C este cea mai buna varianta pentru a elimina toxinele din organism. Numai dupa 2 saptamani te vei simti mai bine, alcalinitatea organismului va creste cu PH ridicat. Merita incercat. Inainte de a te inbolnavi elimina toxinele din organism!!!!!!!!!


Am folosit acest produs prima data pentru a-mi curăța fierea de "pietre". Tratamentul timp de 3 luni, doar cu TurmeriCool a fost o reușită. Acum folosesc TurmeriCool pentru dureri articulare și după 4 capsule durerile inflamatorii articulare abia se mai simt dimineața.

21.01.2017, ANIKO GYORFI:

Am folosit si folosesc acest produs minunat, antiinflamator puternic natural! M-a ajutat la disparitia durerilor articulare, recomand sa-l folositi cu incredere! Pe termen scurt la probleme acute, pe termen lung, pentru probleme inflamatorii cronice!!!

31.10.2016, MADALINA MAZILU:

Excelent in perioada de toamna. Eu atunci l-am folosit.

24.10.2016, MIHAELA MAXIM:

Am folosit produsul pentru eliminarea toxinelor din organism.


L-am folosit pentru detoxifierea si protectia ficatului si este foarte eficient . Dar am descoperit ca este extrem de eficient impotriva virozelor si inflamatiilor.Sunt foarte multumita si il recomand.


Am consumat produsul pentru purificarea sangelui si mentine sanatatea cardiovasculara, si ma simt excelent.


L-am folosit la recomandarea unei colege care il folosise pentru gingii inflamate si dureri de dinti.Avand probleme si cu stomacul nu am vrut sa folosesc antiinflamatoarele uzuale si am luat 10 zile turmericool pentru gingia inflamata si dureri de masea ( necariata).Efectele s-au vazut, sau mai bine zis s-au simtit din a doua zi de tratament.In acest caz cred ca s-a dovedit efectul antiinflamator si antibacterian al acestui produs natural.


Am probleme cu ficatul,fierea ''blocata'',helicobacter,stari de depresie si anxietate. Sunt la al doilea tub,si deja fierea nu ma mai supara ca inainte,am inceput sa nu mai tin regimul strict,si ma simt mult mai bine.Dorm mai bine,am multa energie,sunt optimista,mi-a revenit pofta de viata!Merg sa fac analizele,si va tin la curent!

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