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Organic Colostrum, 400mg, Life Care®


Net quantity: 14.80 g

  • 18.49 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • contains a unique combination of antibodies
  • supports the immune system
  • ensures a harmonious growth and development of the body


The immune system is a complex system of cells and molecules also called antibodies, that have the role of providing protection against external factors.
The body often suffers from a weak immune system, the main cause being emotional and physical stress, sleep disorders and an unhealthy diet.
The Organic Colostrum, 400mg, Life Care® helps to assimilate nutrients that promote increased energy levels, ensures the balance of the immune system, supports the health of the digestive tract and helps to restore nerve, bone and muscle tissues.


Colostrum is the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands after giving birth. Like human colostrum, bovine colostrum has similar properties and contains a unique combination of antibodies, proteins, vitamins and minerals essential to the body, especially for the immune system. It is an important resource that supports the immune system, the digestive system, but also the respiratory tract.
For children, colostrum is the important factor that ensures a harmonious growth and development of the body, providing the "basis" of a strong immune system.
For adults, colostrum is a natural defense "shield" against viruses, bacteria and parasites.
Did you know that this form of milk, called colostrum, contains:
>> 3 times more protein than mature milk;
>> Lots of antibodies;
>> Leukocytes;
>> Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
>> Vitamin A and vitamin K;
>> Minerals


It is recommended 1-2 capsules/day only for people from 6 years of age. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light and store in cool, dry place. Normal diet cannot be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Preferably consume until the end of the period mentioned on the package. Keep this dietary supplement out of the reach of small children.


Box of 30 capsules. One capsule contains the following: Organic colostrum (20%) - 400mg -*% of NRV. Other Ingredients: 95 mg cellulose capsule. NRV - Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011. *- NRV is not set. Variation of ingredients +/- 10 %.


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Recomand cu incredere acest produs.


Immunerősítőként használjuk a családdal. Így a gyermekeim folyamatosan járhatnak iskolába, óvodába.


Am incercat Colostrum Organic si am observat ca sunt plin de energie, noaptea ma pot odihni mai bine ca si inainte. Imunitatea este excelenta, nu am racit ca in anii anteriori in perioda de toamna. Este un produs de care sunt foarte multumit!

05.11.2020, ZOLTAN FÖLDI:

Anyósomnak rendeltem meg a készítményt immunerősítés céljából! Könnyen átvészelt egy megfázást igaz folyamatosan használ egyéb Life Care készítményt is! A megelőzés a legfontosabb és a folyamatos vitamin pótlás! Nagyon vártam hogy nekünk is legyen ez a termék mert sok pozitív hatásról számol be a szakirodalom!


Reggelenként be volt dugulva az orrom. Egy csomó zsebkendőt elhasználtam. Egész nap nem voltam náthás. Elkezdtem használnia Kolosztrumot megszűnt ez a panaszom. Olyan jó, hogy reggel is kapok levegőt.


In perioada actuala si in apropierea de sezonul rece, noul produs Life Impulse® Colostrum Organic 400 mg este un scut de protectie impotriva virusilor si bacteriilor, pentru a ne mentine starea buna de sanatate.

26.10.2020, ILDIKO DENES:

Recomand cu incredere acest produs, asigura echilibrul sistemului imunitar. Trebuie incercat.


Sunt foarte multumit de acest produs, intodeauna am avut probleme de imunitate mai ales la inceputul sezonului de toamna. Il recomand cu incredere, este un produs foarte bun.

12.10.2020, ANDREA BOTA:

Este un produs minunat. Sunt foarte multumita de acest produs. Il recomnand cu drag si incredere!

07.10.2020, DENISA FECHETE:

Cand am vazut ca cei de la Life Care au lansat acest produs nu mi-a venit sa cred. Sanatatea noastra este foarte importanta si trebuie sa avem grija de noi mai mult ca niciodata. Acest produs ne poate fi de folos si in perioada rece cand apar racerile si gripele sezoniere. Am comandat pentru toata familia si o sa mai comand!


Sunt foarte multumita de acest produs. Il recomand cu incredere, este un produs foarte bun.

06.10.2020, ROSSELLO AGATA:

È un ottimo alleato per la salute di grandi e puccini è ottimo anche per chi soffre d asma. lo consiglio ha moltissimi benefici.

06.10.2020, MARA VILIGA:

Pentru ca in fiecare toamna si primavara imi intaresc imunitatea cu suplimente alimentare, am fost foarte bucuroasa sa aflu ca va aparea Life Impulse® Colostrum Organic pe care l-am si achizitionat si impreuna cu No1 Digestive Enzyme il consum pentru intarirea imunitatii si am observat imbunatatiri atat pe partea digestiva cat si respiratorie. Este um produs minunat la un pret accesibil comparativ cu alte produse de acest gen. In acest an atipic avem nevoie de o cura cu Colostrum pentru imbunatatirea sistemului nostru imunitar.


De cum a aparut acest produs imediat l-am comandat si il folosesc zilnic impreuna cu copiii mei sa ne intarim imunitatea. Am vazut schimbari in bine si in problemele mele respiratorii, dar si pe parte digestiva. Chiar aveam nevoie de un astfel de produs, il recomand cu drag si multumesc Life Care.


Sunt foarte multumita de acest produs, intodeauna am avut probleme de imunitate mai ales la inceputul sezonului de toamna. Dar acum am o luna de cand folosesc acest supliment si am stat in preajma atator persoane racite si spre uimirea mea eu nu am racit. Mai bine previn decat sa ajung sa tratez.


Este un produs minunat.

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