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Mobility capsules, Bear Power, Life Care®


Net quantity: 13.50 g

  • 9.99 EUR

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  • Calms rheumatic pains
  • Diminishes arthritis
  • Strengthens the effect of the antirheumatic gel
  • Internal action


A food supplement with a complex formula of special ingredients designed to represent, together with warming Gel Bear Power, with BIO plants, Life Care®, a complete helpful solution for rheumatic pain. The Bear Power capsules act from the inside over the affected areas for a faster effect of relieving rheumatic pain. Completes and maximizes the action of bear power gel from the exterior, with the direct action to the"root of the problem".*


Boswellia Serrata - a very popular plant in the world and used for over 5000 years for its beneficial effects for attrition arthritis, osteoarthritis and other inflammatory diseases. Eucalyptus BIO - known for its emollient effects, digestive, antirheumatic, healing and antiseptic. Glucosamine - stimulates collagen production and improves synovial fluid structure responsible for joint mobility.


First 15 days 1-2 capsules a day, accompanied by daily using of warming Gel Bear Power, with BIO plants, Life Care®l, and in the next 15 days use only the warming gel. For outright results we recommend 3 months of using. * This scheme is just a suggestion, a doctor's consultation needed for specific customization to each individual


Box containing 30 capsules. One capsule contains: Boswelia Serrata-150mg-*, glucozamine-50mg-*, horse chestnut -10mg-*, liqorice-30mg-*, BIO eucalyptus -50mg-*, white willow-30mg-*. Other ingredients: gelatin capsule.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals


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Ce frumos ca a venit mult asteptata zapada. Dar eu locuind la casa, zapada trebuie data cu lopata si vai de spatele meu si toata coloana. Am avut niste dureri foarte mari si am incercat acest produs insotit de pastilele de Gheara dracului si crema Gheara dracului. Deja in prima seara m-am simtit mai bine. Foarte bune produsele.

07.04.2021, MIHÁLYNÉ DAKÓ:

A MedveErő gél is egy csodálatos termék igaz ez melegítéssel gyógyít, az ördögcsáklyával ellentétben. De mind a két termék csodálatos, csillapítja a fájdalmakat, fokozza a vérkeringést, gyulladás csökkentő. Kiváló hatát ér el a MedveErő kapszulával együtt. Csak ajànlani tudom. Ez a termék is mindig van idehaza.

19.02.2019, GETA KOSTLER:

Mie nu-mi lipseste acest produs din casa, il iau si cand ma doare capul si cand ma doare burta. Mai nou il iau cand vad ca ma ia raceala si-mi trece imediat. Recomand!

16.10.2017, CORILOAN HONCAS:

Puterea ursului m-a ajutat foarte mult in calmarea durerilor de genunchi. Recomand cu incredere.


Tratamentul cu Puterea Ursului capsule combinat cu Gelul Puterea Ursului, ajuta la o vindecare mai rapidă a afecțiunilor reumatice. În familia mea toți ne-am confruntat la un moment dat cu afecțiuni reumatice, iar tratamentul mai sus menționat ne-a ajutat pe fiecare.

06.10.2016, ROBERT CHITOI:

Sunt foarte bune produsele, pe mine m-a ajutat foarte mult.aveam dureri de mijloc si am luat Puterea Ursului si Gheara Dracului care m-au facut sa ma pot da jos din pat.Produsele Life Care merit. Foarte bune

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