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Life Impulse® Form Shake with vanilla flavour


Net quantity: 300 g

  • 32.99 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

Ia-ți reducerea de 20%!
  • high nutritional input
  • very low-calorie
  • very tasty
  • can successfully replace a meal
  • no added sugar or sweeteners


The Vanilla Form Shake Life Impulse® is a really healthy meal, full of valuable vitamins and nutrients, ideal for replacing a common meal, full of unhealthy fat and calories. Soy flour (not genetically modified), acerola and inulin(soluble fiber), as well as the rest of the BIO vitamins and minerals contained, are specifically dosed, to ensure a balanced meal full of nutrients which many regular meals are far from!


For one serving, mix 5 tablespoons (20 g) with 200 ml of liquid (soymilk, 1,5% milk or nonfat yogurt, or fresh fruit juice without sugar). Your imagination can create many more combinations to delight your taste buds! Here's our recipe: 5 teaspoons Vanilla Form Shake, 1/4 teaspoon of nutmeg, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon, 230 ml apple juice, 3 tablespoons of milk, 5 slices of apples, optional 3 ice cubes. Calories per serving: 200 KCal.


Per 100 g: Soya Flour (40%), Acerola Bio-50mg- * of the RDA; Inulin Bio-0.55 g- * of the RDA; Hydrocarbon-Mg- 181.64 * of the RDA; Potassium-100 mg- * of the RDA; Carbonati- 136.48 mg - * of the RDA; Calcium-Mg- 353.15 35.99% of the RDA; Sodium-Mg- 157.41 * of the RDA; Fosfor- mg- 282.06 28.78% of the RDA; L- methionine-40.79-Mg- * of the RDA; L-histidina- 39.59 * mg- of RDA; Vitamin C 19.00 mg- 0.42% of the RDA; Magnesium-Mg- 41.06 9.01% of the RDA; Niacina- 1.92 mg- 1.28% of the RDA; The hot mg- 1.57 0.50% of the RDA; Vitamin E 0.99 mg- 0.50% of the RDA; Zinc-Mg- 6.52 37.53% of the RDA; Acid Pantotenic- 0.28 mg- 0.15% of the RDA; Vitamin B2 0.30 mg- 14.06% of the RDA; Vitamin B6 0.23 mg- 4.50% of the RDA; Copper-mcg- 103.28 * of the RDA; Vitamin B1 0.17 mg- 5.01% of the RDA; Mangan- 0.11 mg - * of the RDA; Vitamin A- ug- 203.75 17.28% of the RDA; Folic- Acid 10 mg - 0.11% of the RDA; Iodo ug- 12.25 0.31% of the RDA, Seleniu- 12.35 ug- * of RDA; Biotina- 1 mg - 0.0083% of the RDA; Vitamin D 2.60ug-42% of the RDA; Vitamin B12- 1.35 mcg- 110% of the RDA; L-carnitina- 0,3g- * of the RDA; * 2,6g- Fenilalanina- of RDA; * 2,6g- Alanina- of RDA; * 3G- Isoleucina- of RDA; Cisteina- 1g - * of the RDA. Other Ingredients: vanilla. DZR- recommended daily * - substances which have not been established RDA. Nutritional values: 100g powder / serving (20g powder with 200ml milk 1.5%) - Energy: 1617kj / 384kcal / 716kj / 170kcal; - Proteins: 24,33g / 11.37g; - Carbohydrates: 43,57g / 18,15g; - Natural Sugars: 28g / 22,4g; - Vegetable Fats: 12,44g / 5,36g;


NOT tested on animals


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12.02.2021, ZSOLTNÉ WLACH:

Cukorbeteg vagyok. Kíváncsi voltam hogy mennyire telít el reggelire fogyasztva. Kiváló. És nem utolsó sorban isteni finom. Nemsokára rendelem a 2.doboz csokisat.

05.11.2020, TÜNDE BODA:

Általában vacsorára fogyasztom, kókusztejjel és banánnal turmixolom összem. Nagyon finom, tápláló, nem túl édes, nincs mellékíze.

06.07.2020, ELIZA CASAPU-TITA:

Foarte gustos si hranitor plus ca ajuta la silueta. Recomand!

11.04.2019, LAJOS GIDÓFALVI:

Reggeliként próbáltam ki előszö, eper+ banán+ rizstej. Nagyon finom, és a fogyókúrámhoz tökéletes lesz, a szénhidrát éhséget teljesen semlegesíti. Evvel a termékkel együtt, most már elmondhatom, hogy több mint 100 terméket kipróbáltam 7 hónap alatt. Imádom a LifeCare-t!!!

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