Laundry Bleach, Life Care® - Ecocert certified
Net quantity: 500 g
* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.
The BIO bleach for laundry helps remove stains caused by grease, fruit, coffee, tea. The bleaching agent based on oxygen is the cleanest alternative. Bleach prevents the formation of buckling gray the white or colored laundry.
The Laundry Bleach, Life Care® can remove even the most difficult stains of coffee and tea without problem. It is effective even at temperatures of 30 ° C. It breaks down when it is combined with soda, water and oxygen, so the water will not be poluted. The oxygen bleach is suitable for temperatures between 30 ° and 95 ° c.
The quantity of 500 g is sufficient for 40 rinsing operations, respectively 20 washing operations.
Agent-based oxygen bleach; Soda; Natron; Sodium citrate; Sodium sulfate; Sugar surfactants. Substance activation of the bleaching agent
VEGAN NO animal ingredients NOT tested on animals
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Az ünnepek idején mindig kimosom a függönyöket is. Ez a fehérítő olyan széppé varázsolta, hogy a barátnőm is észrevette a változást.
20.12.2022, MARIA GHEORGHE:
Produs de calitate: curata in profunzime, albeste ireprosabil si reface vizibil calitatea materialului textil. Avand amprenta bio, apreciez si recomand minunatul produs, mai ales celor cu probleme alergice. Felicitari, Life Care!!!
06.05.2021, ELENA PETRE:
Este un inalbitor foarte bun. Totul capata o culoare de alb stralucitor. Nu voi renunta la el si nu il voi inlocui cu nimic altceva.
31.01.2021, ZOLTÁN TÓTH:
Masszőrként heti 3-4 alkalommal mosok fehér cuccokat. Kipróbáltam ezt a fehérítőtőt is és emellett maradtam. Jó szívvel ajánlom mindenkinek, aki szeretné a fehér ruháit valóban fehérnek látni.
09.01.2021, TOADER SOMESAN:
Foarte bun, scoate foarte bine petele!
05.07.2019, MIHÁLYNÉ DAKÓ:
Állandó használója vagyok ennek a terméknek is. Kiváló a fehér ruhákhoz és a szinesekhez is. A levegőben található oxigén által fehériti a ruhákat, a szineseknél gyönyörűek lesznek a szinek. Csak ajánlani tudom.
11.05.2018, OANA JINDICEANU:
Este un produs extraordinar. Scoate petele foarte bine, chiar și pete mai vechi. Recomand cu căldură!
Eficient si nu emana mirosuri ce provoaca alergii .
Merita sa fie cumparat, e super extraordinara, nu mai am probleme cu petele de cand il folosesc.
07.09.2015, ANAMARIA TEGLAS:
Este extraordinar. Chiar merita cumparat. Mama mea a albit doua ii care apartineau strabunicii mele, iar una din ele o port eu :)
08.11.2010, PETRUTA NICA:
este foarte eficient si-n plus are un pret foarte atractiv!
Nu se compara cu celelate inalbitoare de pe piata pentru ca este singurul care isi face cu adevarat treaba inalbind halatele soacrei mele si prosoapele albe ale fetitei mele. Sotia este pur si simplu incantata pentru ca ii usureaza munca.