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L-Carnitine, Life Care®


Net quantity: 15 g

  • 10.98 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • fast fat burning
  • reduces fatigue
  • stimulates the function of the muscular system


L-Carnitine, Life Care® is a supplement that can contribute to the transformation of fat into energy.
It covers a wide spectrum in maintaining a healthy body and is recommended in weight loss diets, in vegetarian diets, in people with intense physical and mental activity, athletes before and after training, and to cardiac patients.
Specialists say that the carnitine level decreases as the person grows old, so supplementation with L-Carnitine is beneficial as it reduces fatigue and stimulates muscle function.


L-Carnitine is recommended: >>generating energy from fat molecules when glycogen reserves are depleted by specific cardio workout
>>transporting fatty acids inside mitochondria to generate energy
>>people with intense physical and mental activity (significant psychophysical demand)
>>in strict and long-lasting vegetarian diets
>>people aged over 30-35 years to stimulate myocardial activity, metabolic activity and detoxification of the liver cell
>>in the diet of diabetic patients to prevent consecutive vascular and neurological complications
>>in cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidaemia and atherosclerosis
>>male infertility due to astenospermia (decreased sperm motility)


1-2 capsules / day. Recommended only for persons from the age of 16. Do not exceed the recommended daily allowance. Keep away from light, keep cool and dry. The normal diet cannot be replaced with the use of this dietary supplement. Preferably use until the end of the period on the packaging. Do not leave this food supplement within the reach of small children.


Bottle with 30 capsules. One capsule contains the following: BActive Ingredients: L-Carnitine 400 mg *. Other Ingredients: Capsule of gelatin 95mg*. NRV- Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011, * - NRV is not set.Variation of ingredients +/- 10%.


NOT tested on animals
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.


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09.11.2023, AGATA ROSELLO:

Prodotto molto utile e benefico lo consiglio.


Am inceput sa folosesc acest produs impreuna cu alte produse Life Care si ma simt bine. Un ajutor in cura de slabire. Incerc sa tin sub control greutatea si se pare ca sunt pe calea ce-a buna. Recomand. Multumesc Life Care!


Un plus de energie intr-o viata obositoare!


M-a ajutat sa depasesc in plina forta perioadele aglomerate. Este exact ceea ce cautam!

29.04.2019, ILDIKO DENES:

Recomand tuturor, este un produs care merita sa il aveti in casa.


Ottimo prodotto, effetto immediato!

04.04.2019, KÁROLY REGŐS:

Megörültem mikor a termék megjelent a webáruházban, elolvastam a hatását és már abban a pillanatban meg is rendeltem. Napi 2 kapszulát szedtem és két - három nap elteltével éreztem, hogy a hangulatom a mozgásom és az energiám is megnőtt. Három hét alatt a sulyom is csökkent 3 kg-val aminek örülök mivel van egy kis túlsúlyom. Most kezdtem a 2-dik dobozt nagyon jól érzem magam,mintha fiatalodnék, elkezdet az alakom formálódni pedig nem tornázom, diétázok csak a megszokott napi mozgást végzem. Számomra bizonyított a termék csak ajánlani tudom!

04.04.2019, LAURA BARBACARU:

Am inclus aceste capsule in cura mea de slabire si sunt foarte incantata de ele. Beau o capsula inainte sa merg la sala si imi da energie pentru intreaga zi.

04.04.2019, CSILLA BEATA:

Super produs. Se simte ca da o energie in plus, mi-a redus oboseala, face treaba foarte bine. Cu siguranta o voi recumpara. Multumesc Life Care!

04.04.2019, AVADANI IVALINA:

Acest produs a ajutat-o pe mama mea sa se bucure din nou de viata. Odata cu inaintarea in varsta rezistenta la efort a scazut, dar cu aceste capsule mama se joaca cu nepotii fara sa renunte in mijlocul jocului. Multumim LifeCare!

03.04.2019, LAURA BARBACARU:

Cel mai bun pentru dieta! Ai parte de energie si stare de bine! Nu trebuie sa iti lipseasca, sunt incantata ca l-am descoperit!

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