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Energy Maca, with Aschwagandha and Omega 3, Life Care®


Net quantity: 22 g

  • 16.99 EUR

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Energy Maca, with Aschwagandha and Omega 3, Life Care® has an energizing action on the mind and body. It contributes to the revitalization of the whole body and provides a state of well-being and inner balance. The complex of ingredients such as Maca, Aschwagandha, green tea and omega 3 contributes to improving the general mood, supporting vitality and resistance to stress.
It has an energizing action on the mind and body. It contributes to the revitalization of the whole body and offers a state of well-being and inner balance.

The 4 ingredients act synergistically and have an important role in maintaining the balance of brain functions. During this time, it supports the body's adaptive power.


Maca root – is an important source of calcium, iron, vitamin B6, thiamine (B1) and riboflavin that energizes the body and helps strengthen the immune system. Its zinc-rich content also regulates hormonal activity, strengthens the bone system and improves blood circulation and cognitive functions. Aschwagandha – is a powerful antioxidant that stimulates the immunity of the body and helps improve physical and mental performance. In addition, it maintains the health of the cardiovascular system and supports the rebalancing of the hormonal system. Green tea – is a natural energizer, which helps neutralize free radicals and increases the natural ability of the body to self-defense. Omega 3 – contributes to increased cognitive performance and supports the immune and cardiovascular systems. Complex formula - Maca, Aschwagandha, Green Tea and Omega 3 with unbeatable action thanks to the innovative GreenCaps technology GreenCaps encapsulate and seal active ingredients without chemical or heat treatment  Maximum metabolic efficiency  Reduces gastrointestinal irritation  No unpleasant odour and taste


It is recommended 2 capsules per day after meal. It is recommended only for people from 16 years of age. Do not exceed the daily recommended allowance. Keep away from light and store in a cool and dry place. The normal diet cannot be replaced by using this dietary supplement. Use, preferably, by the end of period mentioned on the package. Keep the dietary supplement out of the reach of small children.


Box of 30 capsules – 18.4g e One capsule contains the following ingredients: Omega oil 3,300mg; Maca powder (Lepidium meyeni) 50mg; Aschwagandha extract (Withania somnifera) 50mg; Green tea extract (Camelia sinesis) 50% 50mg. Other ingredients: Cellulose capsule 120mg; White gelatin capsule 45mg. NRV - Nutrient Reference Value – acc. EU Reg. 1169/2011. * - NRV is not set. Ingredient variation +/- 10%.


*The effects of using the product vary from person to person and may differ from those described on the website.
NOT tested on animals
Prohibited for pregnant or lactating women


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10.03.2022, DENISA FECHETE:

M-am confruntat timp de 6 luni cu o oboseala permanenta si cu o stare psihica la pamant. Luam permanent vitamine si minerale, dar ma simteam la fel de rau. Cand am vazut ca Life Care a lansat acest produs am stiu ca este pentru mine. Din primele zile de cand am luat Energy Maca starea mea s-a schimbat. Oboseala a disparut, am mai multa energie dar si o stare de spirit buna. Pentru mine acest produs este minunat si il recomand la toata lumea care se confrunta cu oboseala, probleme hormonale sau probleme cu adaptarea la stres.

06.03.2022, FILIP MARIA:

Recomand cu drag.

06.03.2022, FILIP MARIA:

Folosesc de curand produsul si simt multa energie, o stare de bine psihica chiar si in aceste vremuri in care am fost incarcata cu energie negativa maxima. Recomand!

04.03.2022, DORINA ROSU:

Un produs excelent pentru toti cei care se simt storsi de energie. Eu il folosesc si ii simt actiunea asupra mea si ce-i mai uimitor este ca-l dau si mamaei mele, care are 80+ si care de cand il consuma are o energie uimitoare si o stare mentala brilianta. Chiar ma uimeste cate tine minte si cum socoteste, cu mintea, la magazine. Deci, din partea mea, Maca Energy are unda verde. Multa sanatate!

02.03.2022, CRISTIANA DINU:

Produsul este fenomenal, cel putin pentru mine si sotul meu si va spun si de ce, deoarece noi avem zile in care nu mai avem energie si sunt sigura ca si voi aveti zile din acestea. In momentul cand am inceput si eu si sotul sa luam cate o pastila pe zi dupa micul dejun vreau sa va spun ca a 3 zi imi spune sotul: "Te rog frumos sa nu lipseasca din casa acest produs si comanda-mi inca unul pentru lucru sa le ofer si colegilor. Un produs asa bun le cam trebuie la toti colegii." Si asa am si facut. Cine doreste energie, putere de concentrare si nu numai il recomand cu mare incredere. Multumim Life Care pentru produse super bune.


Cu un complex de Maca si Ashwagandha, acest produs este deosebit de bun pentru barbati, ofera o vitalitate si un libido crescut. Omega 3 si ceaiul verde ofera o doza in plus de antioxidanti naturali, ce ajuta organismul in lupta impotriva radicalilor liberi si la buna functionare a acestuia, conferind si o stare de buna dispozitie.

22.02.2022, MARA VILIGA:

Este un produs extraordinar, ma bucur mult ca a aparut in portofoliul Life Care. Acest produs aduce o multitudine de beneficii organismului, imbunatateste functia aparatului reproducator, ajuta la stimularea imunitatii organismului, regleaza tensiunea arteriala si are actiune energizanta asupra mintii si organismului. Ce mi-a mai placut la acest produs este faptul ca este bine incapsulat in noua tehnologie de green caps care ofera o eficienta metabolica maxima si reduce iritarea intestinala.

21.02.2022, MARIA HURJUI:

De cand folosesc Energy Maca mintea mea este mai iute si sunt mai plina de energie.

15.02.2022, ANDREA KIRÁLY:

Két hete szedem és több az energiám több mindent tudok megcsinálni egy nap. Lelkileg is jobban érzem magam. Ajánlani tudom jó termék ez is!


Folosesc acest produs de cateva zile, este foarte bun. Recomand cu incredere, ajuta la eliminarea apei din corp, regleaza tensiunea arteriala, confera o stare de bine, energizeaza si vitalizeaza intregul organism. Multumesc Life Care.

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