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ECO instant cereal drink with chicory Meal Balance®


Net quantity: 50 g

  • 11.49 EUR

* The prices are in EUR and they contain VAT.

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  • 100% natural
  • does not contain caffeine or gluten
  • is an ideal alternative for tea, coffee and cocoa
  • has a low calorie content


The ECO instant cereal drink with chicory Meal Balance® is an excellent substitute for one of the most consumed drinks in the world, coffee. Chicory can be the daily morning drink!
Chicory is considered an excellent natural remedy, due to its properties. It can be consumed both before meal and thus prevents indigestion and bloating, and throughout the day by invigorating the mind and the psyche.


The benefits of chicory consumption:
>> helps to lose weight and maintain optimum weight
>> helps intestinal transit
>> can reduce the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides
>> reduces blood pressure
>> has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties
>> stimulates the immune system

Chicory root is rich in inulin, a prebiotic fiber that helps in weight loss and improves intestinal health.
Rye removes toxins from the body, gives a feeling of satiety and supports gastrointestinal health.
Barley helps lower cholesterol and fibers decrease the appearance of cardiovascular disease.
Malt is rich in vitamins and minerals, maintains muscle health, prevents anemia, regulates blood pressure and improves the functioning of the nervous system.


Put 1-2 teaspoons of instant ECO cereal drink in a cup, add 200 ml of milk or water (hot or cold) and stir gently. Sweeten to taste.


>35% chicory, >35% rye, >10% barley and malt, < 5% figs and < 5% acorns. The product is gluten-free. * from ecologically certified agriculture.


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07.03.2022, IULIA BOTA:

Eu nu sunt consumatoare de cafea deoarece imi creeaza o stare de agitatie, insa am gasit in aceasta bautura aliatul perfect pentru zile pline de energie si vitalitate, iar partea care imi place cel mai mult este ca si daca o consum in a 2-a parte a zilei nu ma simt agitata si dorm bine noaptea. Recomand!!!


Eu nu sunt bautoare de cafea deoarece nu pot sa consum cofeina in nici o bautura, precum ceaiul negru, cola, cafea, energizante etc. Asadar bautura cu cicoare este cea mai buna varianta existenta, din punctul meu de vedere.

30.11.2019, FLORICA SOMESAN:

Are un gust placut, recomand!

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