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Detoxifying liquid food supplement made from organic Aloe Vera juice with chlorophyll, Life Care®


Net quantity: 473 ml

  • 34.99 EUR

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  • intestinal detoxification
  • strengthens the immune system
  • prevents the formation of kidney stones
  • fights enterocolitis or


The Detoxifying liquid food supplement made from organic Aloe Vera juice with chlorophyll, Life Care® is a dietary supplement, which uses special characteristics of Aloe Vera combined with those of chlorophyll, that help detoxify the body and protect against infections and inflammations.


This supplement is a detoxifying and revigorating blend with a pleasant taste of peppermint, composed of chlorophyll (green blood) and aloe vera. It protects the body against various infections and inflammations.


1 teaspoon/day recommended, from 12 years of age. Take preferably in the morning on an empty stomach. This dietary supplement is not a medicine and does not replace the specialized treatment recommended by a doctor or the normal diet.


Ingredients - One portion (15 mL = one spoon) contains the following: Chlorophyll in the form of copper and sodium chlorophyllin 116.9 mg - 0,77% of NRV*; Organic Aloe Vera powder (Aloe barbadensis) 58.4 mg - 0,38% of NRV*. Other ingredients: Filtered water 14466.5 mg; Glycerin 556.6 mg; Potassium sorbate 1.6 mg. NRV- Nutritional Reference Value - cf. Reg.UE 1169/2011, * - NRV is not set. Variation of ingredients +/- 10%.


NO animal ingredients
NOT tested on animals
Pregnant and breastfeeding woman, or people with sensitivity to any of the ingredients need to get doctors approval before using this product.


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12.02.2023, AURORA PREDA:

Este un produs excelent, un bun detoxifiant, ideal pentru disconfortul sistemului digestiv si intretinerea intregului organism. Il recomand cu incredere!


Nálunk nagyon bevált termék! Megszünteti az émelygést, hányingert, gyomorégést, savasodást, bélgázosodást!
Gyomorfekélyen is segít!


Am folosit o luna Aloe Vera si stomacul meu este mult mai bine. Ma durea rau dar acest minunat suc m-a ajutat in problemele mele cu stomacul! Recomand cu drag aceste produse!

24.06.2020, ELENA GYERKO:

Mama mea ani intregi a suferit de balonare repetata si colici abdominali. Cu ajutorul acestui produs aceste simptome au disparut, chiar mai mult si-a reglat si tranzitul intestinal. Acum consuma regulat cate 2-3 luni pe an acest produs in combinatie cu probioticele si este fericita. Mai mult de atat a ajutat-o chiar si la reglarea unei probleme mai vechi si anume cea de ulcer la stomac.

13.11.2010, MARIANA OPREA:

Este un produs excelent pentru reglarea tranzitului intestinal, scapi cu certitudine de balonarile incomode de greata, de disconfortul produs de indigestie, ca atare am simtit efectul benefic al produsului dupa prima zi de folosinta, fac o precizare: consum Aloe impreuna cu Goji, care fac un duo de senzatie, ma simt bine si plina de energie.

08.11.2010, TEODORA CHIFOI:

Cu ajutorul acestui produs, o prietena a reusit sa scape de colici biliare repetate, balonare si senzatia de gust amar!
Un produs pe care l-am administrat si fiicei mele impreuna cu Digestion si cu care am rezolvat o digestie greoaie, dureri abdominale zilnice si matinale, indiferent daca manca sau nu si indiferent ce manca !
O adevarata problema sa nu stii ce sa-i mai dai copilului sa manance - REZOLVATA CU BRIO !!!!


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